About François Soulignac

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Update: 27/03/2024 | CONTACT
François Soulignac, Digital Creative specialized in new media & technologies. Photo location: MIT Cambridge - Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Stata Center Hall - Anish Kapoor Sculpture
Hello, my name is François Soulignac, I’m a French creative specialized in new media & technologies, previously working in Paris (France), Shanghai, China (上海,中国) and Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam). Former creative at Madjor Labbrand Shanghai, VOL Group China, Mediagong Leo Burnett Paris, Saatchi & Saatchi Duke Interactive, M6 Group. Work experiences in digital innovation, on-line marketing / advertising agencies, broadcast services, cultural institution, luxury food, beverage & entertainment industries, management consulting.

Main activities

Metaverse enthusiast & bright patterns-oriented, designing and prototyping campaigns, videos, social content, casual games, artificial intelligence avatars, automated chat-bots, holograms, 3D, VR, AR, and MR experiences. Fluent on ChatGPT, DALL-E & Sora’s prompting, hand-crafting algorithms of recommendation and coaching AI tools dedicated to news feed customization to avoid being stuck on a bubble filter of knowledge. Mobile-first oriented, adept of inbound marketing and snack-content creation, contributing to the radiance of Asia’s alternative nightlife on social media by creating video stock content entirely produced on 小米 mobile phone.


I’m holding a M.A’s degree in Design, Media and Technology (University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne), a four-years degree in Contemporary Art & New Media (University Paris 8), a B.A’s degree in Fine & Modern Art (University Paris 8), a degree apprenticeships in Graphic Design & Visual Communication (Campus de la Fonderie de l’Image, Paris). I was living and working in Asia for 7 years (China and Vietnam), I learned some basic rules of Chinese language (Mandarin) at Fudan University (Shanghai, China). I keep learning by doing a permanent creative watch / foresight, regular workshops and trainings.


Contribute to the digital transformation and communication of government administrations, public institutions, NGOs, independent agencies or think-tanks, focused on social marketing solutions-oriented, visual journalism, Corporate Social Responsibility strategy (CSR) or developing intelligence against astroturfing and content-based information warfare.


Commercial works

Personal works (selection)

Personal works (under development)

The Soulignac Brothers Project
“The Soulignac Brothers” is a YouTube Gaming channel and a hashtag on Instagram launched with my brothers and sister, in order to cope with travel restrictions. A family saga living 10,000 km apart, using online video games to talk, explore and have fun together. In search of new rituals to overcome distance and pandemic. Virtual tourism, digital holidays, virtual family trip and filmmaking in the Metaverse. Read more about the project.

Memories of Nightlife in Asia | YouTube
“Memories of Nightlife in Asia” is a YouTube Travel & Events channel regrouping all my personal videos dedicated to the vibrant Asian nightlife. A way of documenting a phenomenon rich in variations, breaking down the walls between cultures and creative communities. This project is currently under development. Watch & Listen now.

Virtual Tourism | François Soulignac, In-game Photography
“Virtual Tourism” is a series of photos and videos dedicated to the work of game designers and developers; and a way to keep memory of our virtual excursions in the Metaverse. This project grows perpetually. About Virtual Tourism.

Personal works (archives)

Location Scouting | François Soulignac, Photography
“Location Scouting” is a series of photographs inspired by the aesthetic of photo journalism. My willingness is to catch objectively shapes and atmospheres of locations. All photographs are without watermark on purpose, to be useful for modelers and designer communities. About Location Scouting

“Videogames Digressions” are extracts from essays written during my academic work. It talks about gameplay, game design and art critics. It presents among an unexpected encounter between Denis Diderot’s art critics and video games. Read the essays (in French).

Soic Miterne Memories | Home Page
Soic Miterne Memories” is a website and a hashtag on Instagram dedicated to my personal video archives, chronicling the daily life of my friends and family in Paris, Shanghai and Saigon since early the 2000’s. This process of backup became necessary when my first CD-ROMs started to become unreadable. You will know much more about my oldies, hobbies, collective exhibitions, background and psychology. Visit Soic Miterne Memories and Soic Miterne on Instagram.

François Soulignac on Press